Поступил 6303 с небольшим механическим повреждением (после отработал месяц, со слов клиента), при включении заставка nokia и затем перезагруз, но уже без заставки, и выключается совсем.
В Local и Test mode входит, self tests все Ok.
Сделаны бэкапы MX-key, Jaf, MT.
При прогреве около 100 градусов (не путать с пропайкой) в районе CPU-Flash телефон запустился и поработал минут 5, потом перезагруз и опять не вкл.
При даже незначительном нагреве Flash (50-70 градусов), опять запускался (сдохла Flash).
Установил Flash с 5310, затер, прошил, попытался вернуть бэкапы MX-key, но засада, все прописалось, кроме:
Trying to update SUPERDONGLE_KEY ...error 0x0, со всеми вытекающими (телефон уже полноценно включается, sx4 не проходит, проверять когда выключится не стал).
Также пробовал MT, Jaf, затирал NPC, SUPERDONGLE_KEY восстановить не удалось, 308 поле PM при записи error.
Решил прошить в 5310, затер, прошил, вошел в local, без ошибок записал PM, при записи RPL перестал входить в local, SUPERDONGLE_KEY не прописался. Затер NPC, ТА вошел в Local, удалил из RPL записи NPC, получившийся RPL успешно записался (лог не сохранился), затер MX-key с птичкой SAFE erase, прошил Jaf-ом в 6303, ТА вошел в local и получил
(imei после стирания и прошивки 1234.., SIMLOCK not valid).
Прошел sx4 записал PM (308 поле все равно error - лог ниже).
Остается вопрос: был ли у кого успешный опыт записи RPL в SL3 TA с защищенным 308 полем, предварительно сохраненного MX-key (с заказанными RPL, со слов участников форума, проблем не было)?
Imei: 35825603xxxxxx
Restoring RF/BB DATA from backup ...
Up****** RF ...OK
Up****** BB ...OK
Up****** WARRANTY ...OK
Up****** PROD ...OK
Up****** BT ...OK
RAP Data :
SYSTEM ASIC ID: 000000010000022600010006030C192101033000 [RAP3G ver: PA 3.x]
EM0 ID: 00000295
EM1 ID: 00000B22
PUBLIC ID: 09D00003EC168C562F0C6535E1006CBA15BE5BAE
SecondaryBoot: rap3gv3_2nd.fg [BB5] version: 1.30.0 revision: 0.0 size: 0x3C00
Supported RAP Ids: 0103192101003000, 010C192101003000, 0103192101013000, 010C192101013000, 0103192101003100, 010C192101003100, 0303192101023000, 030C192101023000, 0303192101033000, 030C192101033000, 0103192101001101, 010C192101001101, 0003192101001002, 000C192101001002, 0013192101001002, 001C192101001002
FlashID0: 00EC 220C - 0000 8921 [Samsung K8F1215ETM,512 Mbits] type: NOR,RAP
ExtBUSC: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
ExtDEVC: FFFF 0000 - 0000 0000
Algorithm: RAP3Gv3_algo.fg [BB5 ALGORITHM] version: 1.40.0 revision: 0.0 size: 0x22C10
Supported RAP Ids: 0103192101003000, 010C192101003000, 0103192101013000, 010C192101013000, 0103192101003100, 010C192101003100, 0303192101023000, 030C192101023000, 0303192101033000, 030C192101033000, 0003192101002000, 000C192101002000, 0003192101002100, 000C192101002100, 0003192101002200, 000C192101002200, 0003192101012200, 000C192101012200, 0103192101001101, 010C192101001101, 0003192101001002, 000C192101001002, 0013192101001002, 001C192101001002
NPC verified Ok.
Up****** CMT NPC ...OK
Up****** CMT CCC ...OK
Up****** CMT HWC ...OK
Up****** PRODUCTCODE (0569174)... OK
Up****** PSN (MBL099568)... OK
Up****** HWID (3000)... OK
Up****** SIMLOCK...OK
Trying to update SUPERDONGLE_KEY ...error 0x0 (с прошивкой 5310 прописалось без ошибок)
Up****** WMDRM_PD...OK
Certificate programmed successfully !
Phone Type: RM-443 (Nokia 6303 classic)
SW Version: V 10.10 18-11-09 RM-443 (c) Nokia
Imei plain: 35825603xxxxxx-x
Product Code: 0569174
Language Pack:
- not available.
This phone have PM308 protected, SD security in not restorable.
- Avoid SW Downgrade & manual erase to this phone !
SIMLOCK seems to be valid
SUPERDONGLE_KEY seems to be valid (до прошивки в 5310 было not valid и предупреждение, что будет выключаться через 3 мин ...)
TimeStamp: 2009-11-19T08:47:16Z
SW Version: 10.10
Variant Version: 015
ProductProfile: RM443_0569174_10.10_015.spr
Simlock: 0569174_simlock.bin
Imei net: 35825603xxxxxxx
Provider: Nokia Test, Country: Finland
Counter: 0/3, 0/10
CONFIG_DATA: 2440700000000000
PROFILE_BITS: 0000000000000000
sx4 MX-KEY
Connecting to server ...OK
Scanning local SX4 Card ...
No SX4 Card found.
Authenticating using security server ...
Connecting to server[main.mxkey.biz] ...MXKEY-SX4 ver 2.5(ID), hello xx.xxx.xxx.xx
SUPERDONGLE auth succeeded!
sx4 MT-BOX
Failed to locate SX4 on PC. Connecting server
IMEI: 35825603xxxxxxx
busy, waiting...
busy, waiting...
запись PM MX-KEY
Writing PM from Node ...
Section: 1
- Key: 0, size 48 bytes written.
- Key: 2, size 86 bytes written.
- Key: 4, size 48 bytes written.
- Key: 6, size 86 bytes written.
- Key: 8, size 48 bytes written.
- Key: 11, size 12 bytes written.
- Key: 12, size 24 bytes written.
- Key: 13, size 86 bytes written.
- Key: 16, size 24 bytes written.
- Key: 18, size 24 bytes written.
- Key: 21, size 24 bytes written.
- Key: 29, size 4 bytes written.
Section: 2
- Key: 0, size 764 bytes written.
Section: 4
- Key: 1, size 800 bytes written.
- Key: 3, size 10 bytes written.
- Key: 4, size 8 bytes written.
- Key: 5, size 8 bytes written.
- Key: 6, size 8 bytes written.
- Key: 9, size 5 bytes written.
- Key: 18, size 80 bytes written.
- Key: 19, size 4 bytes written.
- Key: 28, size 2 bytes written.
Section: 8
- Key: 0, size 2 bytes written.
- Key: 1, size 16 bytes written.
- Key: 2, size 16 bytes written.
- Key: 3, size 128 bytes written.
- Key: 4, size 128 bytes written.
- Key: 7, size 4 bytes written.
- Key: 8, size 8 bytes written.
- Key: 9, size 8 bytes written.
- Key: 10, size 32 bytes written.
- Key: 11, size 4 bytes written.
- Key: 12, size 4 bytes written.
Section: 11
- Key: 0, size 4 bytes written.
- Key: 1, size 4 bytes written.
- Key: 2, size 4 bytes written.
- Key: 3, size 4 bytes written.
- Key: 5, size 6 bytes written.
- Key: 6, size 2 bytes written.
- Key: 10, size 2 bytes written.
- Key: 11, size 2 bytes written.
- Key: 12, size 2 bytes written.
- Key: 13, size 2 bytes written.
- Key: 14, size 16 bytes written.
- Key: 15, size 32 bytes written.
- Key: 16, size 32 bytes written.
- Key: 17, size 2 bytes written.
- Key: 18, size 2 bytes written.
- Key: 19, size 2 bytes written.
- Key: 20, size 2 bytes written.
- Key: 21, size 2 bytes written.
- Key: 22, size 2 bytes written.
- Key: 23, size 2 bytes written.
- Key: 24, size 2 bytes written.
- Key: 25, size 2 bytes written.
- Key: 26, size 2 bytes written.
- Key: 27, size 2 bytes written.
- Key: 28, size 2 bytes written.
- Key: 29, size 2 bytes written.
- Key: 30, size 2 bytes written.
- Key: 31, size 2 bytes written.
- Key: 32, size 2 bytes written.
- Key: 33, size 2 bytes written.
- Key: 34, size 2 bytes written.
- Key: 35, size 2 bytes written.
- Key: 36, size 2 bytes written.
- Key: 37, size 2 bytes written.
- Key: 38, size 2 bytes written.
- Key: 39, size 2 bytes written.
- Key: 40, size 2 bytes written.
- Key: 41, size 2 bytes written.
- Key: 42, size 2 bytes written.
- Key: 43, size 2 bytes written.
- Key: 44, size 2 bytes written.
- Key: 45, size 2 bytes written.
- Key: 46, size 2 bytes written.
- Key: 47, size 2 bytes written.
- Key: 48, size 2 bytes written.
- Key: 49, size 2 bytes written.
- Key: 50, size 2 bytes written.
- Key: 51, size 2 bytes written.
- Key: 52, size 2 bytes written.
- Key: 53, size 2 bytes written.
- Key: 54, size 2 bytes written.
- Key: 55, size 2 bytes written.
- Key: 56, size 2 bytes written.
- Key: 57, size 2 bytes written.
- Key: 58, size 2 bytes written.
- Key: 59, size 2 bytes written.
- Key: 60, size 2 bytes written.
- Key: 61, size 2 bytes written.
- Key: 62, size 4 bytes written.
- Key: 63, size 4 bytes written.
- Key: 64, size 4 bytes written.
- Key: 65, size 4 bytes written.
- Key: 66, size 16 bytes written.
- Key: 67, size 4 bytes written.
- Key: 68, size 2 bytes written.
- Key: 69, size 242 bytes written.
Section: 12
- Key: 0, size 102 bytes written.
Section: 13
- Key: 1, size 2 bytes written.
- Key: 3, size 2 bytes written.
- Key: 8, size 2 bytes written.
- Key: 11, size 48 bytes written.
- Key: 12, size 4 bytes written.
- Key: 15, size 886 bytes written.
- Key: 16, size 2 bytes written.
- Key: 19, size 8 bytes written.
- Key: 25, size 2 bytes written.
- Key: 37, size 4 bytes written.
- Key: 42, size 4 bytes written.
- Key: 43, size 4 bytes written.
- Key: 45, size 4 bytes written.
- Key: 46, size 4 bytes written.
- Key: 48, size 4 bytes written.
- Key: 52, size 2 bytes written.
- Key: 53, size 4 bytes written.
- Key: 54, size 4 bytes written.
- Key: 58, size 2 bytes written.
- Key: 60, size 4 bytes written.
- Key: 61, size 4 bytes written.
- Key: 63, size 4 bytes written.
- Key: 64, size 4 bytes written.
- Key: 66, size 4 bytes written.
- Key: 67, size 4 bytes written.
- Key: 71, size 4 bytes written.
- Key: 72, size 4 bytes written.
- Key: 74, size 4 bytes written.
- Key: 75, size 2 bytes written.
- Key: 76, size 2 bytes written.
- Key: 77, size 2 bytes written.
- Key: 83, size 2 bytes written.
- Key: 85, size 4 bytes written.
- Key: 86, size 4 bytes written.
- Key: 87, size 2 bytes written.
- Key: 89, size 4 bytes written.
- Key: 90, size 4 bytes written.
- Key: 91, size 2 bytes written.
- Key: 93, size 4 bytes written.
- Key: 94, size 4 bytes written.
- Key: 95, size 2 bytes written.
- Key: 97, size 4 bytes written.
- Key: 98, size 4 bytes written.
- Key: 99, size 2 bytes written.
- Key: 100, size 4 bytes written.
- Key: 101, size 2 bytes written.
- Key: 103, size 4 bytes written.
- Key: 104, size 4 bytes written.
- Key: 105, size 4 bytes written.
- Key: 106, size 4 bytes written.
- Key: 107, size 4 bytes written.
- Key: 108, size 2 bytes written.
- Key: 109, size 4 bytes written.
- Key: 110, size 4 bytes written.
- Key: 111, size 4 bytes written.
- Key: 112, size 2 bytes written.
- Key: 113, size 4 bytes written.
- Key: 114, size 4 bytes written.
- Key: 118, size 4 bytes written.
- Key: 119, size 4 bytes written.
- Key: 123, size 8 bytes written.
- Key: 129, size 4 bytes written.
- Key: 130, size 4 bytes written.
- Key: 133, size 2 bytes written.
- Key: 135, size 2 bytes written.
- Key: 138, size 4 bytes written.
- Key: 139, size 4 bytes written.
- Key: 144, size 4 bytes written.
- Key: 145, size 8 bytes written.
- Key: 146, size 4 bytes written.
- Key: 147, size 4 bytes written.
- Key: 159, size 2 bytes written.
- Key: 160, size 2 bytes written.
- Key: 167, size 8 bytes written.
- Key: 168, size 4 bytes written.
- Key: 177, size 4 bytes written.
- Key: 178, size 2 bytes written.
- Key: 190, size 4 bytes written.
- Key: 191, size 2 bytes written.
- Key: 193, size 4 bytes written.
- Key: 196, size 10 bytes written.
Section: 31
- Key: 4, size 14 bytes written.
Section: 42
- Key: 0, size 2 bytes written.
- Key: 1, size 12 bytes written.
- Key: 2, size 36 bytes written.
- Key: 3, size 36 bytes written.
- Key: 4, size 36 bytes written.
- Key: 5, size 36 bytes written.
- Key: 6, size 36 bytes written.
- Key: 7, size 40 bytes written.
- Key: 8, size 40 bytes written.
- Key: 9, size 40 bytes written.
- Key: 10, size 40 bytes written.
- Key: 11, size 40 bytes written.
- Key: 12, size 40 bytes written.
- Key: 13, size 40 bytes written.
- Key: 14, size 40 bytes written.
- Key: 15, size 40 bytes written.
- Key: 16, size 40 bytes written.
- Key: 17, size 40 bytes written.
- Key: 18, size 40 bytes written.
- Key: 19, size 40 bytes written.
- Key: 20, size 40 bytes written.
- Key: 21, size 40 bytes written.
- Key: 22, size 40 bytes written.
- Key: 23, size 40 bytes written.
- Key: 24, size 40 bytes written.
- Key: 25, size 40 bytes written.
- Key: 26, size 40 bytes written.
Section: 44
Section: 50
- Key: 0, size 2 bytes written.
Section: 54
- Key: 0, size 2 bytes written.
Section: 66
- Key: 0, size 509 bytes written.
- Key: 1, size 240 bytes written.
- Key: 2, size 240 bytes written.
- Key: 5, size 240 bytes written.
- Key: 6, size 4 bytes written.
- Key: 7, size 4 bytes written.
- Key: 8, size 4 bytes written.
- Key: 9, size 4 bytes written.
- Key: 10, size 240 bytes written.
- Key: 11, size 240 bytes written.
- Key: 17, size 4 bytes written.
- Key: 19, size 4 bytes written.
- Key: 21, size 4 bytes written.
- Key: 23, size 4 bytes written.
- Key: 25, size 4 bytes written.
- Key: 27, size 4 bytes written.
- Key: 29, size 4 bytes written.
- Key: 31, size 4 bytes written.
- Key: 33, size 4 bytes written.
- Key: 90, size 4 bytes written.
- Key: 98, size 4 bytes written.
- Key: 100, size 4 bytes written.
- Key: 101, size 4 bytes written.
- Key: 123, size 7 bytes written.
Section: 88
- Key: 0, size 36 bytes written.
Section: 96
- Key: 0, size 2 bytes written.
- Key: 1, size 20 bytes written.
Section: 107
- Key: 0, size 21 bytes written.
- Key: 1, size 89 bytes written.
- Key: 2, size 69 bytes written.
- Key: 3, size 70 bytes written.
- Key: 25, size 132 bytes written.
- Key: 26, size 12 bytes written.
Section: 116
- Key: 0, size 2 bytes written.
- Key: 1, size 12 bytes written.
- Key: 2, size 36 bytes written.
- Key: 3, size 36 bytes written.
- Key: 4, size 36 bytes written.
- Key: 5, size 36 bytes written.
- Key: 6, size 36 bytes written.
- Key: 7, size 40 bytes written.
- Key: 8, size 40 bytes written.
- Key: 9, size 40 bytes written.
- Key: 10, size 40 bytes written.
- Key: 11, size 40 bytes written.
- Key: 12, size 40 bytes written.
- Key: 13, size 40 bytes written.
- Key: 14, size 40 bytes written.
- Key: 15, size 40 bytes written.
- Key: 16, size 40 bytes written.
Section: 120
- Key: 0, size 944 bytes written.
- Key: 1, size 160 bytes written.
- Key: 2, size 130 bytes written.
- Key: 3, size 112 bytes written.
Section: 193
- Key: 2, size 8 bytes written.
- Key: 3, size 32 bytes written.
- Key: 4, size 32 bytes written.
- Key: 9, size 64 bytes written.
Section: 218
- Key: 0, size 2 bytes written.
Section: 232
- Key: 0, size 20 bytes written.
Section: 238
Section: 239
- Key: 0, size 2 bytes written.
- Key: 1, size 3072 bytes written.
- Key: 2, size 3072 bytes written.
- Key: 3, size 3072 bytes written.
- Key: 4, size 3072 bytes written.
- Key: 5, size 3072 bytes written.
- Key: 6, size 3072 bytes written.
- Key: 7, size 3072 bytes written.
- Key: 8, size 3072 bytes written.
- Key: 9, size 3072 bytes written.
- Key: 10, size 3072 bytes written.
- Key: 11, size 3072 bytes written.
- Key: 12, size 3072 bytes written.
- Key: 13, size 3072 bytes written.
- Key: 14, size 3072 bytes written.
- Key: 15, size 3072 bytes written.
- Key: 16, size 3072 bytes written.
- Key: 17, size 3072 bytes written.
- Key: 18, size 3072 bytes written.
- Key: 19, size 3072 bytes written.
- Key: 20, size 3072 bytes written.
Section: 250
- Key: 1, size 2232 bytes written.
- Key: 2, size 128 bytes written.
- Key: 3, size 754 bytes written.
- Key: 4, size 40 bytes written.
Section: 301
- Key: 0, size 2 bytes written.
- Key: 1, size 12 bytes written.
- Key: 2, size 36 bytes written.
- Key: 3, size 36 bytes written.
- Key: 4, size 36 bytes written.
- Key: 5, size 36 bytes written.
- Key: 6, size 36 bytes written.
- Key: 7, size 40 bytes written.
- Key: 8, size 40 bytes written.
- Key: 9, size 40 bytes written.
- Key: 10, size 40 bytes written.
- Key: 11, size 40 bytes written.
- Key: 12, size 40 bytes written.
- Key: 13, size 40 bytes written.
- Key: 14, size 40 bytes written.
- Key: 15, size 40 bytes written.
- Key: 16, size 40 bytes written.
Section: 308
Warning: failed to write 308 - 1 (8192 bytes)
Warning: failed to write 308 - 5 (10 bytes)
Warning: failed to write 308 - 9 (40 bytes)
Section: 309
- Key: 0, size 4 bytes written.
- Key: 1, size 2 bytes written.
- Key: 2, size 12 bytes written.
- Key: 4, size 12 bytes written.
- Key: 7, size 12 bytes written.
- Key: 17, size 12 bytes written.
Section: 320
- Key: 0, size 148 bytes written.
- Key: 1, size 148 bytes written.
- Key: 2, size 148 bytes written.
- Key: 3, size 148 bytes written.
- Key: 4, size 148 bytes written.
- Key: 5, size 148 bytes written.
- Key: 6, size 148 bytes written.
- Key: 7, size 148 bytes written.
- Key: 8, size 148 bytes written.
- Key: 9, size 148 bytes written.
- Key: 10, size 148 bytes written.
- Key: 11, size 148 bytes written.
- Key: 12, size 148 bytes written.
- Key: 13, size 148 bytes written.
- Key: 14, size 148 bytes written.
- Key: 15, size 148 bytes written.
- Key: 16, size 148 bytes written.
- Key: 17, size 148 bytes written.
- Key: 18, size 148 bytes written.
- Key: 19, size 148 bytes written.
- Key: 20, size 148 bytes written.
- Key: 21, size 148 bytes written.
- Key: 22, size 148 bytes written.
- Key: 23, size 148 bytes written.
- Key: 24, size 148 bytes written.
- Key: 25, size 148 bytes written.
- Key: 26, size 148 bytes written.
- Key: 27, size 148 bytes written.
- Key: 28, size 148 bytes written.
- Key: 29, size 148 bytes written.
- Key: 30, size 148 bytes written.
- Key: 31, size 148 bytes written.
- Key: 32, size 148 bytes written.
- Key: 33, size 148 bytes written.
- Key: 34, size 148 bytes written.
- Key: 35, size 148 bytes written.
- Key: 36, size 148 bytes written.
- Key: 37, size 148 bytes written.
- Key: 38, size 148 bytes written.
Section: 322
Section: 341
- Key: 3, size 4 bytes written.
- Key: 4, size 4408 bytes written.
Section: 345
- Key: 0, size 12 bytes written.
Section: 354
- Key: 0, size 3 bytes written.
Section: 356
- Key: 0, size 2 bytes written.
- Key: 1, size 8 bytes written.
Section: 362
- Key: 1, size 120 bytes written.
Section: 364
- Key: 0, size 2 bytes written.
- Key: 1, size 12 bytes written.
- Key: 2, size 36 bytes written.
- Key: 3, size 36 bytes written.
- Key: 4, size 36 bytes written.
- Key: 5, size 36 bytes written.
- Key: 6, size 36 bytes written.
- Key: 7, size 40 bytes written.
- Key: 8, size 40 bytes written.
- Key: 9, size 40 bytes written.
- Key: 10, size 40 bytes written.
- Key: 11, size 40 bytes written.
- Key: 12, size 40 bytes written.
- Key: 13, size 40 bytes written.
- Key: 14, size 40 bytes written.
- Key: 15, size 40 bytes written.
- Key: 16, size 40 bytes written.
- Key: 17, size 40 bytes written.
- Key: 18, size 40 bytes written.
- Key: 19, size 40 bytes written.
- Key: 20, size 40 bytes written.
- Key: 21, size 40 bytes written.
- Key: 22, size 40 bytes written.
- Key: 23, size 40 bytes written.
- Key: 24, size 40 bytes written.
- Key: 25, size 40 bytes written.
- Key: 26, size 40 bytes written.
Section: 365
- Key: 0, size 2 bytes written.
- Key: 1, size 12 bytes written.
- Key: 2, size 36 bytes written.
- Key: 3, size 36 bytes written.
- Key: 4, size 36 bytes written.
- Key: 5, size 36 bytes written.
- Key: 6, size 36 bytes written.
- Key: 7, size 40 bytes written.
- Key: 8, size 40 bytes written.
- Key: 9, size 40 bytes written.
- Key: 10, size 40 bytes written.
- Key: 11, size 40 bytes written.
- Key: 12, size 40 bytes written.
- Key: 13, size 40 bytes written.
- Key: 14, size 40 bytes written.
- Key: 15, size 40 bytes written.
- Key: 16, size 40 bytes written.
Completed in 23.671 s