Просмотр полной версии : Замена COMBO Flash в 6303 RM-443 без заказа RPL.

28.01.2010, 16:11
Поступил 6303 с небольшим механическим повреждением (после отработал месяц, со слов клиента), при включении заставка nokia и затем перезагруз, но уже без заставки, и выключается совсем.
В Local и Test mode входит, self tests все Ok.

Сделаны бэкапы MX-key, Jaf, MT.
Прошивка Phoenix в dead mode, Jaf и MT по F-bus результатов не дало.

При прогреве около 100 градусов (не путать с пропайкой) в районе CPU-Flash телефон запустился и поработал минут 5, потом перезагруз и опять не вкл.
Перепаяны и перекатаны CPU-Flash, запустился и поработал минут 10 (остыл:)).
При даже незначительном нагреве Flash (50-70 градусов), опять запускался (сдохла Flash).

Установил Flash с 5310, затер, прошил, попытался вернуть бэкапы MX-key, но засада, все прописалось, кроме:
Trying to update SUPERDONGLE_KEY ...error 0x0, со всеми вытекающими (телефон уже полноценно включается, sx4 не проходит, проверять когда выключится не стал).
Также пробовал MT, Jaf, затирал NPC, SUPERDONGLE_KEY восстановить не удалось, 308 поле PM при записи error.

Решил прошить в 5310, затер, прошил, вошел в local, без ошибок записал PM, при записи RPL перестал входить в local, SUPERDONGLE_KEY не прописался. Затер NPC, ТА вошел в Local, удалил из RPL записи NPC, получившийся RPL успешно записался (лог не сохранился), затер MX-key с птичкой SAFE erase, прошил Jaf-ом в 6303, ТА вошел в local и получил SUPERDONGLE_KEY seems to be valid.
Записал RPL – лог ниже, SUPERDONGLE_KEY ...error 0x0 (imei после стирания и прошивки 1234.., SIMLOCK not valid).
Прошел sx4 записал PM (308 поле все равно error - лог ниже).

Телефон успешно восстановлен и работает более 4 часов, sx4 проходит, self tests все Ok.

Остается вопрос: был ли у кого успешный опыт записи RPL в SL3 TA с защищенным 308 полем, предварительно сохраненного MX-key (с заказанными RPL, со слов участников форума, проблем не было)?

Imei: 35825603xxxxxx
Restoring RF/BB DATA from backup ...
Updating RF ...OK
Updating BB ...OK
Updating WARRANTY ...OK
Updating PROD ...OK
Updating BT ...OK
RAP Data :
SYSTEM ASIC ID: 000000010000022600010006030C192101033000 [RAP3G ver: PA 3.x]
EM0 ID: 00000295
EM1 ID: 00000B22
PUBLIC ID: 09D00003EC168C562F0C6535E1006CBA15BE5BAE
SecondaryBoot: rap3gv3_2nd.fg [BB5] version: 1.30.0 revision: 0.0 size: 0x3C00
Supported RAP Ids: 0103192101003000, 010C192101003000, 0103192101013000, 010C192101013000, 0103192101003100, 010C192101003100, 0303192101023000, 030C192101023000, 0303192101033000, 030C192101033000, 0103192101001101, 010C192101001101, 0003192101001002, 000C192101001002, 0013192101001002, 001C192101001002
FlashID0: 00EC 220C - 0000 8921 [Samsung K8F1215ETM,512 Mbits] type: NOR,RAP
ExtBUSC: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
ExtDEVC: FFFF 0000 - 0000 0000
Algorithm: RAP3Gv3_algo.fg [BB5 ALGORITHM] version: 1.40.0 revision: 0.0 size: 0x22C10
Supported RAP Ids: 0103192101003000, 010C192101003000, 0103192101013000, 010C192101013000, 0103192101003100, 010C192101003100, 0303192101023000, 030C192101023000, 0303192101033000, 030C192101033000, 0003192101002000, 000C192101002000, 0003192101002100, 000C192101002100, 0003192101002200, 000C192101002200, 0003192101012200, 000C192101012200, 0103192101001101, 010C192101001101, 0003192101001002, 000C192101001002, 0013192101001002, 001C192101001002
NPC verified Ok.
Updating CMT NPC ...OK
Updating CMT CCC ...OK
Updating CMT HWC ...OK
Updating PRODUCTCODE (0569174)... OK
Updating PSN (MBL099568)... OK
Updating HWID (3000)... OK
Updating SIMLOCK...OK
Trying to update SUPERDONGLE_KEY ...error 0x0 (с прошивкой 5310 прописалось без ошибок)
Updating WMDRM_PD...OK
Certificate programmed successfully !

Phone Type: RM-443 (Nokia 6303 classic)
SW Version: V 10.10 18-11-09 RM-443 (c) Nokia
Imei plain: 35825603xxxxxx-x
Product Code: 0569174
Language Pack:
- not available.

This phone have PM308 protected, SD security in not restorable.
- Avoid SW Downgrade & manual erase to this phone !

SIMLOCK seems to be valid
SUPERDONGLE_KEY seems to be valid (до прошивки в 5310 было not valid и предупреждение, что будет выключаться через 3 мин ...)

TimeStamp: 2009-11-19T08:47:16Z
SW Version: 10.10
Variant Version: 015
ProductProfile: RM443_0569174_10.10_015.spr
Simlock: 0569174_simlock.bin

Imei net: 35825603xxxxxxx
Provider: Nokia Test, Country: Finland
Counter: 0/3, 0/10

CONFIG_DATA: 2440700000000000
PROFILE_BITS: 0000000000000000


sx4 MX-KEY

Connecting to server ...OK
Scanning local SX4 Card ...
No SX4 Card found.
Authenticating using security server ...
Connecting to server[main.mxkey.biz] ...MXKEY-SX4 ver 2.5(ID), hello xx.xxx.xxx.xx
SUPERDONGLE auth succeeded!

sx4 MT-BOX

Failed to locate SX4 on PC. Connecting server

IMEI: 35825603xxxxxxx
busy, waiting...
busy, waiting...

запись PM MX-KEY

Writing PM from Node ...
Section: 1
- Key: 0, size 48 bytes written.
- Key: 2, size 86 bytes written.
- Key: 4, size 48 bytes written.
- Key: 6, size 86 bytes written.
- Key: 8, size 48 bytes written.
- Key: 11, size 12 bytes written.
- Key: 12, size 24 bytes written.
- Key: 13, size 86 bytes written.
- Key: 16, size 24 bytes written.
- Key: 18, size 24 bytes written.
- Key: 21, size 24 bytes written.
- Key: 29, size 4 bytes written.
Section: 2
- Key: 0, size 764 bytes written.
Section: 4
- Key: 1, size 800 bytes written.
- Key: 3, size 10 bytes written.
- Key: 4, size 8 bytes written.
- Key: 5, size 8 bytes written.
- Key: 6, size 8 bytes written.
- Key: 9, size 5 bytes written.
- Key: 18, size 80 bytes written.
- Key: 19, size 4 bytes written.
- Key: 28, size 2 bytes written.
Section: 8
- Key: 0, size 2 bytes written.
- Key: 1, size 16 bytes written.
- Key: 2, size 16 bytes written.
- Key: 3, size 128 bytes written.
- Key: 4, size 128 bytes written.
- Key: 7, size 4 bytes written.
- Key: 8, size 8 bytes written.
- Key: 9, size 8 bytes written.
- Key: 10, size 32 bytes written.
- Key: 11, size 4 bytes written.
- Key: 12, size 4 bytes written.
Section: 11
- Key: 0, size 4 bytes written.
- Key: 1, size 4 bytes written.
- Key: 2, size 4 bytes written.
- Key: 3, size 4 bytes written.
- Key: 5, size 6 bytes written.
- Key: 6, size 2 bytes written.
- Key: 10, size 2 bytes written.
- Key: 11, size 2 bytes written.
- Key: 12, size 2 bytes written.
- Key: 13, size 2 bytes written.
- Key: 14, size 16 bytes written.
- Key: 15, size 32 bytes written.
- Key: 16, size 32 bytes written.
- Key: 17, size 2 bytes written.
- Key: 18, size 2 bytes written.
- Key: 19, size 2 bytes written.
- Key: 20, size 2 bytes written.
- Key: 21, size 2 bytes written.
- Key: 22, size 2 bytes written.
- Key: 23, size 2 bytes written.
- Key: 24, size 2 bytes written.
- Key: 25, size 2 bytes written.
- Key: 26, size 2 bytes written.
- Key: 27, size 2 bytes written.
- Key: 28, size 2 bytes written.
- Key: 29, size 2 bytes written.
- Key: 30, size 2 bytes written.
- Key: 31, size 2 bytes written.
- Key: 32, size 2 bytes written.
- Key: 33, size 2 bytes written.
- Key: 34, size 2 bytes written.
- Key: 35, size 2 bytes written.
- Key: 36, size 2 bytes written.
- Key: 37, size 2 bytes written.
- Key: 38, size 2 bytes written.
- Key: 39, size 2 bytes written.
- Key: 40, size 2 bytes written.
- Key: 41, size 2 bytes written.
- Key: 42, size 2 bytes written.
- Key: 43, size 2 bytes written.
- Key: 44, size 2 bytes written.
- Key: 45, size 2 bytes written.
- Key: 46, size 2 bytes written.
- Key: 47, size 2 bytes written.
- Key: 48, size 2 bytes written.
- Key: 49, size 2 bytes written.
- Key: 50, size 2 bytes written.
- Key: 51, size 2 bytes written.
- Key: 52, size 2 bytes written.
- Key: 53, size 2 bytes written.
- Key: 54, size 2 bytes written.
- Key: 55, size 2 bytes written.
- Key: 56, size 2 bytes written.
- Key: 57, size 2 bytes written.
- Key: 58, size 2 bytes written.
- Key: 59, size 2 bytes written.
- Key: 60, size 2 bytes written.
- Key: 61, size 2 bytes written.
- Key: 62, size 4 bytes written.
- Key: 63, size 4 bytes written.
- Key: 64, size 4 bytes written.
- Key: 65, size 4 bytes written.
- Key: 66, size 16 bytes written.
- Key: 67, size 4 bytes written.
- Key: 68, size 2 bytes written.
- Key: 69, size 242 bytes written.
Section: 12
- Key: 0, size 102 bytes written.
Section: 13
- Key: 1, size 2 bytes written.
- Key: 3, size 2 bytes written.
- Key: 8, size 2 bytes written.
- Key: 11, size 48 bytes written.
- Key: 12, size 4 bytes written.
- Key: 15, size 886 bytes written.
- Key: 16, size 2 bytes written.
- Key: 19, size 8 bytes written.
- Key: 25, size 2 bytes written.
- Key: 37, size 4 bytes written.
- Key: 42, size 4 bytes written.
- Key: 43, size 4 bytes written.
- Key: 45, size 4 bytes written.
- Key: 46, size 4 bytes written.
- Key: 48, size 4 bytes written.
- Key: 52, size 2 bytes written.
- Key: 53, size 4 bytes written.
- Key: 54, size 4 bytes written.
- Key: 58, size 2 bytes written.
- Key: 60, size 4 bytes written.
- Key: 61, size 4 bytes written.
- Key: 63, size 4 bytes written.
- Key: 64, size 4 bytes written.
- Key: 66, size 4 bytes written.
- Key: 67, size 4 bytes written.
- Key: 71, size 4 bytes written.
- Key: 72, size 4 bytes written.
- Key: 74, size 4 bytes written.
- Key: 75, size 2 bytes written.
- Key: 76, size 2 bytes written.
- Key: 77, size 2 bytes written.
- Key: 83, size 2 bytes written.
- Key: 85, size 4 bytes written.
- Key: 86, size 4 bytes written.
- Key: 87, size 2 bytes written.
- Key: 89, size 4 bytes written.
- Key: 90, size 4 bytes written.
- Key: 91, size 2 bytes written.
- Key: 93, size 4 bytes written.
- Key: 94, size 4 bytes written.
- Key: 95, size 2 bytes written.
- Key: 97, size 4 bytes written.
- Key: 98, size 4 bytes written.
- Key: 99, size 2 bytes written.
- Key: 100, size 4 bytes written.
- Key: 101, size 2 bytes written.
- Key: 103, size 4 bytes written.
- Key: 104, size 4 bytes written.
- Key: 105, size 4 bytes written.
- Key: 106, size 4 bytes written.
- Key: 107, size 4 bytes written.
- Key: 108, size 2 bytes written.
- Key: 109, size 4 bytes written.
- Key: 110, size 4 bytes written.
- Key: 111, size 4 bytes written.
- Key: 112, size 2 bytes written.
- Key: 113, size 4 bytes written.
- Key: 114, size 4 bytes written.
- Key: 118, size 4 bytes written.
- Key: 119, size 4 bytes written.
- Key: 123, size 8 bytes written.
- Key: 129, size 4 bytes written.
- Key: 130, size 4 bytes written.
- Key: 133, size 2 bytes written.
- Key: 135, size 2 bytes written.
- Key: 138, size 4 bytes written.
- Key: 139, size 4 bytes written.
- Key: 144, size 4 bytes written.
- Key: 145, size 8 bytes written.
- Key: 146, size 4 bytes written.
- Key: 147, size 4 bytes written.
- Key: 159, size 2 bytes written.
- Key: 160, size 2 bytes written.
- Key: 167, size 8 bytes written.
- Key: 168, size 4 bytes written.
- Key: 177, size 4 bytes written.
- Key: 178, size 2 bytes written.
- Key: 190, size 4 bytes written.
- Key: 191, size 2 bytes written.
- Key: 193, size 4 bytes written.
- Key: 196, size 10 bytes written.
Section: 31
- Key: 4, size 14 bytes written.
Section: 42
- Key: 0, size 2 bytes written.
- Key: 1, size 12 bytes written.
- Key: 2, size 36 bytes written.
- Key: 3, size 36 bytes written.
- Key: 4, size 36 bytes written.
- Key: 5, size 36 bytes written.
- Key: 6, size 36 bytes written.
- Key: 7, size 40 bytes written.
- Key: 8, size 40 bytes written.
- Key: 9, size 40 bytes written.
- Key: 10, size 40 bytes written.
- Key: 11, size 40 bytes written.
- Key: 12, size 40 bytes written.
- Key: 13, size 40 bytes written.
- Key: 14, size 40 bytes written.
- Key: 15, size 40 bytes written.
- Key: 16, size 40 bytes written.
- Key: 17, size 40 bytes written.
- Key: 18, size 40 bytes written.
- Key: 19, size 40 bytes written.
- Key: 20, size 40 bytes written.
- Key: 21, size 40 bytes written.
- Key: 22, size 40 bytes written.
- Key: 23, size 40 bytes written.
- Key: 24, size 40 bytes written.
- Key: 25, size 40 bytes written.
- Key: 26, size 40 bytes written.
Section: 44
Section: 50
- Key: 0, size 2 bytes written.
Section: 54
- Key: 0, size 2 bytes written.
Section: 66
- Key: 0, size 509 bytes written.
- Key: 1, size 240 bytes written.
- Key: 2, size 240 bytes written.
- Key: 5, size 240 bytes written.
- Key: 6, size 4 bytes written.
- Key: 7, size 4 bytes written.
- Key: 8, size 4 bytes written.
- Key: 9, size 4 bytes written.
- Key: 10, size 240 bytes written.
- Key: 11, size 240 bytes written.
- Key: 17, size 4 bytes written.
- Key: 19, size 4 bytes written.
- Key: 21, size 4 bytes written.
- Key: 23, size 4 bytes written.
- Key: 25, size 4 bytes written.
- Key: 27, size 4 bytes written.
- Key: 29, size 4 bytes written.
- Key: 31, size 4 bytes written.
- Key: 33, size 4 bytes written.
- Key: 90, size 4 bytes written.
- Key: 98, size 4 bytes written.
- Key: 100, size 4 bytes written.
- Key: 101, size 4 bytes written.
- Key: 123, size 7 bytes written.
Section: 88
- Key: 0, size 36 bytes written.
Section: 96
- Key: 0, size 2 bytes written.
- Key: 1, size 20 bytes written.
Section: 107
- Key: 0, size 21 bytes written.
- Key: 1, size 89 bytes written.
- Key: 2, size 69 bytes written.
- Key: 3, size 70 bytes written.
- Key: 25, size 132 bytes written.
- Key: 26, size 12 bytes written.
Section: 116
- Key: 0, size 2 bytes written.
- Key: 1, size 12 bytes written.
- Key: 2, size 36 bytes written.
- Key: 3, size 36 bytes written.
- Key: 4, size 36 bytes written.
- Key: 5, size 36 bytes written.
- Key: 6, size 36 bytes written.
- Key: 7, size 40 bytes written.
- Key: 8, size 40 bytes written.
- Key: 9, size 40 bytes written.
- Key: 10, size 40 bytes written.
- Key: 11, size 40 bytes written.
- Key: 12, size 40 bytes written.
- Key: 13, size 40 bytes written.
- Key: 14, size 40 bytes written.
- Key: 15, size 40 bytes written.
- Key: 16, size 40 bytes written.
Section: 120
- Key: 0, size 944 bytes written.
- Key: 1, size 160 bytes written.
- Key: 2, size 130 bytes written.
- Key: 3, size 112 bytes written.
Section: 193
- Key: 2, size 8 bytes written.
- Key: 3, size 32 bytes written.
- Key: 4, size 32 bytes written.
- Key: 9, size 64 bytes written.
Section: 218
- Key: 0, size 2 bytes written.
Section: 232
- Key: 0, size 20 bytes written.
Section: 238
Section: 239
- Key: 0, size 2 bytes written.
- Key: 1, size 3072 bytes written.
- Key: 2, size 3072 bytes written.
- Key: 3, size 3072 bytes written.
- Key: 4, size 3072 bytes written.
- Key: 5, size 3072 bytes written.
- Key: 6, size 3072 bytes written.
- Key: 7, size 3072 bytes written.
- Key: 8, size 3072 bytes written.
- Key: 9, size 3072 bytes written.
- Key: 10, size 3072 bytes written.
- Key: 11, size 3072 bytes written.
- Key: 12, size 3072 bytes written.
- Key: 13, size 3072 bytes written.
- Key: 14, size 3072 bytes written.
- Key: 15, size 3072 bytes written.
- Key: 16, size 3072 bytes written.
- Key: 17, size 3072 bytes written.
- Key: 18, size 3072 bytes written.
- Key: 19, size 3072 bytes written.
- Key: 20, size 3072 bytes written.
Section: 250
- Key: 1, size 2232 bytes written.
- Key: 2, size 128 bytes written.
- Key: 3, size 754 bytes written.
- Key: 4, size 40 bytes written.
Section: 301
- Key: 0, size 2 bytes written.
- Key: 1, size 12 bytes written.
- Key: 2, size 36 bytes written.
- Key: 3, size 36 bytes written.
- Key: 4, size 36 bytes written.
- Key: 5, size 36 bytes written.
- Key: 6, size 36 bytes written.
- Key: 7, size 40 bytes written.
- Key: 8, size 40 bytes written.
- Key: 9, size 40 bytes written.
- Key: 10, size 40 bytes written.
- Key: 11, size 40 bytes written.
- Key: 12, size 40 bytes written.
- Key: 13, size 40 bytes written.
- Key: 14, size 40 bytes written.
- Key: 15, size 40 bytes written.
- Key: 16, size 40 bytes written.
Section: 308
Warning: failed to write 308 - 1 (8192 bytes)
Warning: failed to write 308 - 5 (10 bytes)
Warning: failed to write 308 - 9 (40 bytes)
Section: 309
- Key: 0, size 4 bytes written.
- Key: 1, size 2 bytes written.
- Key: 2, size 12 bytes written.
- Key: 4, size 12 bytes written.
- Key: 7, size 12 bytes written.
- Key: 17, size 12 bytes written.
Section: 320
- Key: 0, size 148 bytes written.
- Key: 1, size 148 bytes written.
- Key: 2, size 148 bytes written.
- Key: 3, size 148 bytes written.
- Key: 4, size 148 bytes written.
- Key: 5, size 148 bytes written.
- Key: 6, size 148 bytes written.
- Key: 7, size 148 bytes written.
- Key: 8, size 148 bytes written.
- Key: 9, size 148 bytes written.
- Key: 10, size 148 bytes written.
- Key: 11, size 148 bytes written.
- Key: 12, size 148 bytes written.
- Key: 13, size 148 bytes written.
- Key: 14, size 148 bytes written.
- Key: 15, size 148 bytes written.
- Key: 16, size 148 bytes written.
- Key: 17, size 148 bytes written.
- Key: 18, size 148 bytes written.
- Key: 19, size 148 bytes written.
- Key: 20, size 148 bytes written.
- Key: 21, size 148 bytes written.
- Key: 22, size 148 bytes written.
- Key: 23, size 148 bytes written.
- Key: 24, size 148 bytes written.
- Key: 25, size 148 bytes written.
- Key: 26, size 148 bytes written.
- Key: 27, size 148 bytes written.
- Key: 28, size 148 bytes written.
- Key: 29, size 148 bytes written.
- Key: 30, size 148 bytes written.
- Key: 31, size 148 bytes written.
- Key: 32, size 148 bytes written.
- Key: 33, size 148 bytes written.
- Key: 34, size 148 bytes written.
- Key: 35, size 148 bytes written.
- Key: 36, size 148 bytes written.
- Key: 37, size 148 bytes written.
- Key: 38, size 148 bytes written.
Section: 322
Section: 341
- Key: 3, size 4 bytes written.
- Key: 4, size 4408 bytes written.
Section: 345
- Key: 0, size 12 bytes written.
Section: 354
- Key: 0, size 3 bytes written.
Section: 356
- Key: 0, size 2 bytes written.
- Key: 1, size 8 bytes written.
Section: 362
- Key: 1, size 120 bytes written.
Section: 364
- Key: 0, size 2 bytes written.
- Key: 1, size 12 bytes written.
- Key: 2, size 36 bytes written.
- Key: 3, size 36 bytes written.
- Key: 4, size 36 bytes written.
- Key: 5, size 36 bytes written.
- Key: 6, size 36 bytes written.
- Key: 7, size 40 bytes written.
- Key: 8, size 40 bytes written.
- Key: 9, size 40 bytes written.
- Key: 10, size 40 bytes written.
- Key: 11, size 40 bytes written.
- Key: 12, size 40 bytes written.
- Key: 13, size 40 bytes written.
- Key: 14, size 40 bytes written.
- Key: 15, size 40 bytes written.
- Key: 16, size 40 bytes written.
- Key: 17, size 40 bytes written.
- Key: 18, size 40 bytes written.
- Key: 19, size 40 bytes written.
- Key: 20, size 40 bytes written.
- Key: 21, size 40 bytes written.
- Key: 22, size 40 bytes written.
- Key: 23, size 40 bytes written.
- Key: 24, size 40 bytes written.
- Key: 25, size 40 bytes written.
- Key: 26, size 40 bytes written.
Section: 365
- Key: 0, size 2 bytes written.
- Key: 1, size 12 bytes written.
- Key: 2, size 36 bytes written.
- Key: 3, size 36 bytes written.
- Key: 4, size 36 bytes written.
- Key: 5, size 36 bytes written.
- Key: 6, size 36 bytes written.
- Key: 7, size 40 bytes written.
- Key: 8, size 40 bytes written.
- Key: 9, size 40 bytes written.
- Key: 10, size 40 bytes written.
- Key: 11, size 40 bytes written.
- Key: 12, size 40 bytes written.
- Key: 13, size 40 bytes written.
- Key: 14, size 40 bytes written.
- Key: 15, size 40 bytes written.
- Key: 16, size 40 bytes written.
Completed in 23.671 s

23.02.2010, 11:41
Остается вопрос: был ли у кого успешный опыт записи RPL в SL3 TA
Надо выгрузить АнтиВирусную программу перед записью RPL донглом MX-KEY.
Вот пример записи RPL в SL3 с помощью MX-KEY. (http://www.mcrf.ru/forum/showpost.php?p=197033&postcount=4)

23.02.2010, 12:04
Паша, речь идет о бэкапе mx-key, а не о записи заводского rpl. а собственный бэкап в sl3 он походу не пишет.

вопрос любопытный...Паш, именно о sd речь...не хочет он его писать.

23.02.2010, 12:08
Гена, думаю он создаёт этот *.temp файлик при записи любого RPL, в т.ч. и своего бэкапа, потому и не пишет.
Посмотрим, что напишут люди по практическому опыту.

23.02.2010, 12:19
uo5oq, он создает этот файл только в том случае если пишет заводской rpl в криптованном виде, если RPL в Plain то файла не бывает, во всяком случае KIS молчит при записи Plain RPL у меня. Проверено многократно.

23.02.2010, 16:36
в первом посте проблема заключалась в:
"Trying to update SUPERDONGLE_KEY ...error 0x0", и ее удалось решить перешив в 5310, из этого следут, что не удалось обойти sl3 защиту ПО ТА при записи plain RPL.

Sorry, RPL decryption failed ! - в данном случае, как выяснилось, виноват антивирь.

вопрос любопытный...Паш, именно о sd речь...не хочет он его писать.
была такая же проблема? как была решена?